Victor L. Bess - Real Estate Agent
- Phone: 352.201.7474 Mobile
- Phone: 352.400.1080 Mobile
- Facebook: My Facebook Page
- Counties Serviced: Citrus, Hernando, Levy, Marion, Pasco, Sumter
- With a passion for service in the Citrus County area, My Wife Dawn and I are ready to help with your home buying and selling needs. As a proud member of the Tropic Shores we carry the values of family, hard work, integrity, and outstanding client service into everything we do . Let us help you!!!!!
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Lot 95 Ostrom Way
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9444 Loras Street
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13856 Royston Bend
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7923 Golfview Drive
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4679 Bayridge Court
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18225 Mairdale Road
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6044 Shiprock Avenue
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0 Treiman Boulevard