Compensations Offers

Brokerage Commissions are not set by law and are fully negotiable. Broker may not receive compensation from any source that exceeds the amount or rate agreed to with consumer.

The compensation displayed below can be used only as a guide and needs to be verified prior to submitting an offer. It is subject to change until a commission agreement has been fully executed. Compensation can only be paid to a Licensed Real Estate Broker


MLS ID:2239051

Type:Single Family

9438 Rockbay Road

Agent: Elsie Kempsey

Buyer's Agent Commission: 2.50%

Paid By: Seller

MLS ID:2238369

Type:Single Family

14054 Red Marlin

Agent: Toniann Ciappetta

Buyer's Agent Commission: 2.00%

Paid By: Seller

MLS ID:W7864757

Type:Single Family

14054 Red Marlin

Agent: Toniann Ciappetta

Buyer's Agent Commission: 2.00%

Paid By:

MLS ID:W7864786

Type:Single Family

7775 Holiday

Agent: Andrew Dickinson LLC

Buyer's Agent Commission: 2.50%

Paid By: Seller

MLS ID:T3539497

Type:Single Family

7047 Everest Street

Agent: David Heroux

Buyer's Agent Commission: 2.50%

Paid By: Seller

MLS ID:T3542059

Type:Single Family

22365 Panorama Street

Agent: David Heroux

Buyer's Agent Commission: 3.00%

Paid By: Seller

MLS ID:T3542358


22357 Panorama Street

Agent: David Heroux

Buyer's Agent Commission: 3.00%

Paid By: Seller

MLS ID:T3542370


22361 Panorama Street

Agent: David Heroux

Buyer's Agent Commission: 3.00%

Paid By: Seller

MLS ID:T3542382


22364 La Crosse Street

Agent: David Heroux

Buyer's Agent Commission: 3.00%

Paid By: Seller

MLS ID:835627

Type:Single Family

2329 Rock Crusher Road

Agent: Larry Swain

Buyer's Agent Commission: 0

Seller Will Not Pay

The right of consumers to continue to have cooperative compensation as an option still exists so long as they pursue it off-MLS through negotiation and consultation with real estate professionals.

Broker IDX offers this site as a reference point for cooperative compensation.

For questions about a particular property and any cooperative compensation offers on that property, please contact the agent directly.

NOTICE: Please VERIFY these amounts prior to submitting an offer on a property with the LISTING AGENT listed. Broker IDX is not responsible for any amount described that has not been verified, as amounts can and will change. These are negotiable items and as such they cannot be fully verified in real time.